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Getting Started


This code is compatible with Python 3.7+. This package is installable from PyPI with pip in a virtual environment with:

pip install aoe2netwrapper

The package is also accessible from the conda-forge channel, and can be installed in a conda environment with:

conda install -c conda-forge aoe2netwrapper

Installation in a virtual environment

Don't know what a virtual environment is or how to set it up? Here is a good primer on virtual environments by RealPython.

Extra Dependencies

It is also possible to install with extra dependencies to access export functionnality from the package, with:

pip install aoe2netwrapper[dataframe]

How about a development environment?

Sure thing. This repository uses Poetry as a packaging and build tool. To set yourself up, get a local copy through VCS and run:

poetry install

This repository follows the Google docstring format, uses Black as a code formatter with a default enforced line length of 110 characters, and Pylint as a linter. You can format the code with make format and lint it (which will format first) with make lint.

Testing builds are ensured after each commit through Github Actions. You can run tests locally with the predefined make tests, or through poetry run pytest <options> for customized options.

Quick Start

The package provides a simple, fully-typed high-level object to interact with each API provided by Each exposed endpoint from the APIs can be queried with a dedicated method named after it:

  • Complete Data API
from aoe2netwrapper import AoE2NetAPI

# Specify timeout limit for ALL requests at instantiation
client = AoE2NetAPI(timeout=10)

# Get the first 100 ranked accounts in 1v1 Random Map
top_accounts = client.leaderboard(
    game="aoe2de", leaderboard_id=3, start=1, count=100

# Get the list of currently open lobbies
open_lobbies = client.lobbies(game="aoe2de")
  • Nightbot API
from aoe2netwrapper import AoE2NightbotAPI

# Specify timeout limit for ALL requests at instantiation
nightbot = AoE2NightbotAPI(timeout=10)

# Get quick rank information on a specific player in 1v1 Random Map
viper_details = nightbot.rank(leaderboard_id=3, search="GL.TheViper")
# '🇳🇴 GL.TheViper (2501) Rank #1, has played 762 games with a 69% winrate, -1 streak, and 2 drops'
  • Converting Results to Pandas DataFrames
from aoe2netwrapper import AoE2NetAPI
from aoe2netwrapper.converters import Convert

client = AoE2NetAPI(timeout=10)

# Get the list of currently open lobbies, as a pandas dataframe
open_lobbies = client.lobbies(game="aoe2de")
lobbies_dframe = Convert.lobbies(open_lobbies)

The full documentation for the API endpoints can be found at and For convenience, it is also included in the methods' docstrings, and can be accessed in the Reference section.