Instantiating Input Parameters

All classes in this package are instantiated from an OpticsParameters and a BeamsParameters object. This section compiles a few common questions about each, starting with the former.

OpticsParameters from an xtrack.Line

The default mode to instantiate an OpticsParameters is from the TwissTable returned by an xtrack.Line.twiss call. All necessary attributes of the class are automatically filled or computed from the TwissTable object. It goes very simply as:

# Let's assume your `xtrack.Line` is already defined
twiss = line.twiss(particle_ref=p0)
optics_params = OpticsParameters(twiss)


Since xibs version 0.3.0, there is a convenience method to do the above automatically for the user. It is documented in the API reference. It goes according to:

# Let's assume your `xtrack.Line` is already defined
optics_params = OpticsParameters.from_line(line)

OpticsParameters from MAD-X

For those using for instance MAD-X and looking to only use the analytical calculations of xibs without setting up a whole xtrack.Line, it is possible to instantiate the OpticsParameters from a MAD-X twiss result.

The twiss result is expected in the form of a pandas.DataFrame with all lowercase columns and values, as given by cpymad. Some additional attributes not present in MAD-X’s twiss result are expected to be provided at instantiation time, namely the revolution frequency and slip factor. These quantities can be computed from MAD-X after a twiss, as shown below:

# Let's assume your `cpymad.madx.Madx` instance is already defined
twiss = madx.twiss(centre=True).dframe()  # you want a Twiss at element centers
seq_name = madx.table.twiss.summary.sequence  # works whichever your sequence

# Compute additional required parameters: revolution frequency and slip factor
frev_hz = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.freq0 * 1e6  # beware freq0 is in MHz
gamma_rel = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.gamma  # relativistic gamma
gamma_tr = madx.table.summ.gammatr[0]  # transition gamma
slipfactor = (1/(gamma_tr**2)) - (1/(gamma_rel**2))  # use the xsuite convention!

# And these have to be provided as additional arguments
optics_params = OpticsParameters(twiss, slipfactor, frev_hz)


Since xibs version 0.3.0, there is a convenience method to do the above automatically for the user. It is documented in the API reference.

# Let's assume your `cpymad.madx.Madx` instance is already defined
optics_params = OpticsParameters.from_madx(madx)

Do I need a full matched particle distribution for BeamParameters?

One might have noticed, for example in the Bjorken-Mtingwa or Nagaitsev analytical examples, that the latter is instantiated from a fully matched xtrack.Particles distribution. Creating a matched distribution is an intensive step and requires parameters one might not want to be annoyed providing.

It is possible to bypass this step and use for instance the xtrack.Line’s particle_ref instead. However, in several computations the Coulomb logarithm is necessary, which is heavily dependent on the number of particles in the distribution, a value not reflected by the reference particle object.

When instantiating from a single particle this value will be wrong and should be manually set afterwards. This would go as:

import xpart as xp
from xibs.inputs import BeamParameters

# Let's define what one would use as "reference particle" for the line and use that
p0 = xp.Particles(p0c=6500e9, q0=1, mass0=xp.PROTON_MASS_EV)
beam_params = BeamParameters(p0)

# Now you have to manually set the "true" value for '.n_part'
beam_parameters.n_part = int(5e5)

BeamParameters from an xtrack.Line

The default mode to instantiate a BeamParameters is from an xtrack.Particles object. As seen just above, it is possible to use an xtrack.Line’s reference particle to do so.


Since xibs version 0.3.0, there is a convenience method to do the above automatically for the user. It is documented in the API reference. It goes according to:

# Let's assume your `xtrack.Line` is already defined
beam_params = BeamParameters.from_line(line, n_part=5e5)  # need to provide n_part

BeamParameters from MAD-X

It is also possible to query the beam in use for the currently active sequence from MAD-X to get the desired parameters.

# Let's assume your `cpymad.madx.Madx` instance is already defined
madx.command.twiss()  # want the table to determine the sequence name and access its beam
seq_name = madx.table.twiss.summary.sequence  # will give us the active sequence

# Query required parameters from the beam: particle momentum, particle charge,
# particle rest mass and number of particles in the bunch
p0c_eV = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.pc * 1e9  # in [GeV] in MAD-X beam, but we want [eV]
q0 = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.charge  # electrical particle charge in units of [qp]
mass0 = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.mass * 1e9  # rest mass in [eV] | but in [GeV] in MAD-X
npart = madx.sequence[seq_name].beam.npart  # number of particles

# Create an xtrack.Particles object with this information
particle = xp.Particles(p0c=p0c_eV, q0=q0, mass0=mass0)
beam_params = BeamParameters(particle)
beam_params.n_part = int(npart)  # very important to adjust this!


Since xibs version 0.3.0, there is a convenience method to do the above automatically for the user. It is documented in the API reference.

# Let's assume your `cpymad.madx.Madx` instance is already defined
beam_params = BeamParameters.from_madx(madx)