
This page provides a quick overview of the package, with more usage detail given in the examples. Please note that the package is a prototype and the API is subject to change, though this documentation will be kept up-to-date.


You can click the function names in the code examples below to go directly to their documentation.

Basic Usage

One can use the package simply by importing xibs:

import xibs

This namespace exposes the main components / classes of xibs, which will be expanded on below. Various submodules give access to different functionalities calculating relevant IBS properties through different formalism, which one can import on a per-need basis:

# Main IBS functionality modules
import xibs.analytical
import xibs.kicks

# Some other modules
import xibs.inputs
import xibs.formulary

In the main namespace is a convenience dispatch function to initialize the proper modelling class based on the demanded formalism. See the formalism dispatch section below for more details.

Integration with xsuite

The xibs package is meant to integrate with xsuite simulations. As a first step, all classes encompassing IBS functionality are initialized from the optics of the xtrack.Line to simulate for, as well as the xtrack.Particles distribution to be tracked through the line.


Please note that while tracking is not necessary to calculate IBS effects (see the Analytical section below), it is necessary to provide an xtrack.Particles object from which to get required properties. The object does not necessarily need to represent a full generated and matched distribution, see the FAQ for details.

Initializing then requires the following steps:

import xibs

# Let's assume your `line` and `particles` are already defined - from xsuite
optics_parameters = xibs.inputs.OpticsParameters(line.twiss(particle_ref=p0))
beam_parameters = xibs.inputs.BeamParameters(particles)

# Let's say you want a YourChosenFormalismIBS approach
IBS = YourChosenFormalismIBS(beam_parameters, optics_parameters)

After this, one can perform IBS calculations through dedicated methods implemented in the class:

# For analytical classes

# For kick classes


It is also possible to initialize the BeamParameters and OpticsParameters from a line or a MAD-X (via cpymad) instance directly with convenience constructor functions. See the FAQ for details.

Formalism and Models

The xibs package provides functionality to calculate and apply IBS effects through different formalism.

Analytical Calculations

If one decides to stick to analytical calculations of growth rates and emittance evolutions, this is where the integration ends. In xibs these are calculated following either:

  • The Nagaitsev formalism [Nag05], which provides equations for faster computation of the approach by Bjorken and Mtingwa [BM83].

  • The Bjorken-Mtingwa formalism [AZ12], which adapts the approach of Bjorken and Mtingwa [BM83] by taking into consideration the effects of vertical dispersion.

All functionality is provided in the xibs.analytical submodule through the NagaitsevIBS and BjorkenMtingwaIBS classes, respectively. They are initialized as shown in the section above:

from xibs.analytical import BjorkenMtingwaIBS, NagaitsevIBS
from xibs.inputs import BeamParameters, OpticsParameters

# Let's assume your `line` and `particles` are already defined
optics_parameters = OpticsParameters(line.twiss(particle_ref=p0))
beam_parameters = BeamParameters(particles)

# To get analytical modelling with Nagaitsev' approach
IBS = NagaitsevIBS(beam_parameters, optics_parameters)

# To get analytical modelling with MAD-X' approach
IBS = BjorkenMtingwaIBS(beam_parameters, optics_parameters)

# Now compute IBS growth rates (and then updated emittances, etc.)

One can find detailed usage walkthroughs of the BjorkenMtingwaIBS and NagaitsevIBS classes usage in the Bjorken-Mtingwa and Nagaitsev analytical examples, respectively.

Providing Kicks to Particle Distributions

In order to integrate IBS effects into tracking simulations however, computing IBS kicks to apply to the tracked particles is necessary. For this, the xibs.kicks module is provided, which includes two formalism:

  • The SimpleKickIBS formalism implements kicks described in [RJMMW10], which builds on analytical growth rates values and is valid above transition energy only.

  • The KineticKickIBS provides kicks according to the kinetic theory of gases [POA06].

Both follow the same instantiation pattern as the analytical formalism, and are used as shown below:

from xibs.inputs import BeamParameters, OpticsParameters
from xibs.kicks import KineticKickIBS, SimpleKickIBS

# Let's assume your `line` and `particles` are already defined
optics_parameters = OpticsParameters(line.twiss(particle_ref=p0))
beam_parameters = BeamParameters(particles)

# To get IBS kicks based on analytical growth rates
IBS = SimpleKickIBS(beam_parameters, optics_parameters)

# To get IBS kicks based on the kinetic theory of gases
IBS = KineticKickIBS(beam_parameters, optics_parameters)

# Now compute kicks to apply to particles

One can find a detailed usage walkthrough of these in the simple kicks example and kinetic kicks example.

Formalism Dispatch

The xibs package provides a convenience functionto initialize the proper modelling class based on the demanded formalism. One can directly import it from the main namespace, and provide both the necessary BeamParameters and OpticsParameters to any IBS class in this package, as well as the formalism to use:

import xibs

# Here is where you would define your inputs
# Let's assume your `line` and `particles` are already defined
beam_parameters = xibs.inputs.BeamParameters(particles)
optics_parameters = xibs.inputs.OpticsParameters(line.twiss(particle_ref=p0))

# Get the proper modelling class based on the demanded formalism
BM_IBS = xibs.ibs(beam_parameters, optics_parameters, formalism="madx")
NAGAITSEV_IBS = xibs.ibs(beam_parameters, optics_parameters, formalism="nagaitsev")
KINETIC_IBS = xibs.ibs(beam_parameters, optics_parameters, formalism="kinetic")
SIMPLE_IBS = xibs.ibs(beam_parameters, optics_parameters, formalism="simple")

# You can be sure you will get the appropriate instances
isinstance(BM_IBS, xibs.analytical.BjorkenMtingwaIBS)  # True
isinstance(NAGAITSEV_IBS, xibs.analytical.NagaitsevIBS)  # True
isinstance(KINETIC_IBS, xibs.kicks.KineticKickIBS)  # True
isinstance(SIMPLE_IBS, xibs.kicks.SimpleKickIBS)  # True

# Now go and do your IBS calculations :)