Welcome to xibs’ documentation!

xibs is a Python library prototype for the Intra-Beam Scattering (IBS) process modeling.

It provides, through its various modules, functionality to compute relevant IBS quantities such as growth rates, damping times, emittances evolutions etc., through different formalism.

Package Scope

This package only has as a goal to be a development prototype for an IBS implementation that will be integrated into xsuite. As such, the API is subject to quick changes based on feedback from colleagues, and integration into xsuite simulations will not be as seamless as other elements.


This package is tested for and supports Python 3.8+. You can install it simply from with pip, from PyPI, in a virtual environment with:

python -m pip install xibs


Don’t know what a virtual environment is or how to set it up? Here is a good primer on virtual environments by RealPython.



This package is developed and maintained by Felix Soubelet. The following people have contributed to the development of this package by contributing either code, documentation, benchmarks, comments and/or ideas:


The package is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Indices and tables