
Beam Optics

Module implementing various functionality for simple beam parameter calculations.

class pyhdtoolkit.optics.beam.Beam(energy: float, gemitt: float, m0: float = 938.27208816)[source]

Added in version 0.6.0.

Class to represent most useful particle beam attributes for MAD-X simulations.

__init__(energy: float, gemitt: float, m0: float = 938.27208816) None[source]
  • energy (float) -- Energy of the particles in your beam, in [GeV].

  • gemitt (float) -- Geometric beam emittance, in [m].

  • m0 (float) -- Rest mass of the beam’s particles in [MeV]. Defaults to that of a proton.

property beta_rel: float

Relativistic beta.

property brho: float

Beam rigidity in [T/m].

eta(alpha_p: float) float[source]

Returns the slip factor parameter \(\eta\).


We use the convention according to which \(\eta = 0\) at transition energy and \(\eta < 0\) above transition.


alpha_p (float) -- Momentum compaction factor.


float -- The slip factor.

property gamma_rel: float

Relativistic gamma.

static gamma_transition(alpha_p: float) float[source]

Returns the relativistic \(\gamma\) corresponding to the transition energy.


alpha_p (float) -- Momentum compaction factor.


float -- The relativistic \(\gamma\) value at the transition energy.

property nemitt: float

Normalized emittance in [m].

revolution_frequency(circumference: float = 26658.8832, speed: float = 299792458.0) float[source]

Returns the revolution frequency of the beam’s particles around the accelerator.

  • circumference (float) -- The machine circumference in [m]. Defaults to that of the LHC.

  • speed (float) -- The particles’ speed in the machine, in [m/s]. Defaults to c.


float -- The revolution frequency, in [turns/s].

property rms_emittance: float

Rms emittance in [m].

pyhdtoolkit.optics.beam.compute_beam_parameters(pc_gev: float, nemitt_x: float, nemitt_y: float, deltap_p: float) BeamParameters[source]

Added in version 0.12.0.

Calculates beam parameters from provided values, for proton particles. One can find an example use of this function in the beam enveloppe gallery.

  • pc_gev (float) -- Particle momentum, in [GeV].

  • en_x_m (float) -- Horizontal emittance, in [m].

  • en_y_m (float) -- Vertical emittance, in [m].

  • deltap_p (float) -- Momentum deviation.


  • BeamParameters -- A BeamParameters object with the calculated values.

  • Example

  • -------- --

    params = compute_beam_parameters(1.9, 5e-6, 5e-6, 2e-3)
    # Beam Parameters for particle of charge 1
    # Beam momentum = 1.900 GeV/c
    # Normalized x-emittance = 5.000 mm mrad
    # Normalized y-emittance = 5.000 mm mrad
    # Momentum deviation deltap/p = 0.002
    # -> Beam total energy = 2.119 GeV
    # -> Beam kinetic energy = 1.181 GeV
    # -> Beam rigidity = 6.333 Tm
    # -> Relativistic beta = 0.89663
    # -> Relativistic gamma = 2.258
    # -> Geometrical x emittance = 2.469 mm mrad
    # -> Geometrical y emittance = 2.469 mm mrad

Resonance Driving Terms Utilities

Module implementing utilities for the handling of resonance driving terms.

pyhdtoolkit.optics.rdt.determine_rdt_line(rdt: int | str, plane: str) tuple[int, int, int][source]

Added in version 1.5.0.

Find the given line to look for in the spectral analysis of the given plane that corresponds to the given RDT.

  • rdt (int | str) -- The RDT to look for.

  • plane (str) -- The plane to look for the RDT in.


tuple[int, int, int] -- A tuple of three integers representing the line to look for in the spectral analysis. For instance, f1001 corresponds to the line (0, 1, 0) in the X plane which means the line located at 1 * Qy = Qy.


determine_rdt_line(1001, "X")
# Output: (0, 1, 0)
# Line at 1 * Qy in the X spectrum.
determine_rdt_line("2002", "Y")
# Output: (-2, 3, 0)
# Line at 3 * Qy - 2 * Qx in the Y spectrum.
pyhdtoolkit.optics.rdt.rdt_to_order_and_type(rdt: int | str) str[source]

Added in version 1.5.0.

Decompose the input RDT into its four various components and return the type of RDT (normal or skew) and its order.


rdt (int | str) -- The RDT to decompose.


str -- A string with the type and magnet order of the provided RDT.


# Output: 'skew_quadrupole'
# Output: 'normal_octupole'

Ripken Parameters

Module implementing various calculations based on the Willeke and Ripken [WR89] optics parameters.

pyhdtoolkit.optics.ripken.lebedev_beam_size(beta1_: float | ndarray, beta2_: float | ndarray, gemitt_x: float, gemitt_y: float) float | ndarray[source]

Added in version 0.8.2.

Calculate beam size according to the Lebedev-Bogacz formula, based on the Ripken-Mais Twiss parameters. The implementation is that of Eq. (A.3.1) in Lebedev and Bogacz [LB10].


For the calculations, use \(\beta_{11}\) and \(\beta_{21}\) for the vertical beam size, but use \(\beta_{12}\) and \(\beta_{22}\) for the horizontal one. See the example below.

  • beta1 (float | numpy.ndarray) -- Value(s) for the beta1x or beta1y Ripken parameters.

  • beta2 (float | numpy.ndarray) -- Value(s) for the beta2x or beta2y Ripken parameters.

  • gemitt_x (float) -- Geometric horizontal emittance, in [m].

  • gemitt_y (float) -- Geometric vertical emittance, in [m].


float | numpy.ndarray -- The beam size (horizontal or vertical) according to Lebedev& Bogacz, as \(\sqrt{\epsilon_x * \beta_{1,\_}^2 + \epsilon_y * \beta_{2,\_}^2}\).


gemitt_x = madx.globals["geometric_emit_x"]
gemitt_y = madx.globals["geometric_emit_y"]
twiss_tfs = madx.twiss(ripken=True).dframe()
horizontal_size = lebedev_beam_size(
    twiss_tfs.beta11, twiss_tfs.beta21, gemitt_x, gemitt_y
vertical_size = lebedev_beam_size(
    twiss_tfs.beta12, twiss_tfs.beta22, gemitt_x, gemitt_y

Twiss Optics

Module implementing various calculations based on the TWISS optics parameters.

pyhdtoolkit.optics.twiss.courant_snyder_transform(u_vector: ndarray, alpha: float, beta: float) ndarray[source]

Added in version 0.5.0.

Perform the Courant-Snyder transform on regular (nonchaotic) phase space coordinates. Specifically, if considering the horizontal plane and noting \(U = (x, px)\) the phase-space vector, it returns \(\bar{U} = (\bar{x}, \bar{px})\) according to the transform \(\bar{U} = P \cdot U\), where

\[\begin{split}P = \begin{pmatrix} \frac{1}{\sqrt{\beta_x}} & 0 \\ \frac{\alpha_x}{\sqrt{\beta_x}} & \sqrt{\beta_x} \\ \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
  • u_vector (numpy.ndarray) -- Two-dimentional array of the phase-space (spatial and momentum) coordinates, either horizontal or vertical.

  • alpha (float) -- Alpha twiss parameter in the appropriate plane.

  • beta (float) -- Beta twiss parameter in the appropriate plane.


numpy.ndarray -- The normalized phase-space coordinates from the Courant-Snyder transform.


alfx = madx.table.twiss.alfx[0]
betx = madx.table.twiss.betx[0]
u = np.array([x_coords, px_coord])
u_bar = courant_snyder_transform(u, alfx, betx)