

  • Added a new AperturePlotter class in the cpymadtools.plotters module replacing the old one, with functionality to plot the aperture tolerances as calculated from the APERTURE command in MAD-X, jointly with the lattice layout.

  • Added a CrossingSchemePlotter class in the cpymadtools.plotters module, with functionality to plot the orbit crossings at LHC IPs.

  • The new TuneDiagramPlotter.plot_tune_diagram function in the cpymadtools.plotters module is now more customisable, can be given a title, a figure size, add legends, differentiate between resonance lines of different orders and given a specific order up to which to plot resonance lines.


  • Functions from the cpymadtools.latwiss module have into a class named LatticePlotter in the cpymadtools.plotters module.

  • The old AperturePlotter class in the cpymadtools.plotters module has been renamed to BeamEnvelopePlotter to reflect its role, and functions in this class have also been renamed accordingly.

  • The old TuneDiagramPlotter.plot_blank_tune_diagram function in the cpymadtools.plotters module has replaced the TuneDiagramPlotter.plot_tune_diagram function and taken its name.

  • The phd matplotlib style has a new setting for legend.framealpha set at 0.9.

  • The cpymadtools.latwiss module has been removed.

  • The old TuneDiagramPlotter.plot_blank_tune_diagram function in the cpymadtools.plotters module has been removed.

See v0.14.0 release notes on GitHub and the full changes since v0.13.3.