Welcome to PyhDToolkit’s Documentation!

This package is an all-in-one collection of baseline utilities I use in my PhD work. Most of the codes here have their use in my day-to-day work, but not necessarily in our team’s softwares.


  • Conveniently control MAD-X simulations through the cpymad package.

  • Easily plot results of simulations (surveys, lattices, optics functions, phase space, etc).

  • Enjoy data-validated pydantic models of results.

  • Perform mathematical analysis of simulation data.

  • Manage contexts, configurations and logging.

  • Monitor HTCondor jobs.


PyhDToolkit is available to install from PyPI or from VCS. Install the package from PyPI:

python -m pip install pyhdtoolkit

To install the latest development version of PyhDToolkit, you can use pip with the latest GitHub master:

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/fsoubelet/PyhDToolkit.git

To set up a development environment, see the contributing instructions.



If you have a use of these codes, please consider citing them. The repository has a DOI provided by Zenodo, and all versions can be cited with the following BibTeX entry:

  author       = {Felix Soubelet},
  title        = {fsoubelet/PyhDToolkit},
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4268804},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4268804}


The following people have contributed to the development of PyhDToolkit by contributing code, documentation, comments and/or ideas:


The package is licensed under the MIT license.

Indices and tables