.. _lhc-elements:
**Elements Utilities**
The functions below are utilities to install elements
or markers in the ``LHC`` in ``MAD-X``.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from loguru import logger
from cpymad.madx import Madx
def install_ac_dipole_as_kicker(
madx: Madx,
deltaqx: float,
deltaqy: float,
sigma_x: float,
sigma_y: float,
beam: int = 1,
start_turn: int = 100,
ramp_turns: int = 2000,
top_turns: int = 6600,
) -> None:
.. versionadded:: 0.15.0
Installs an AC dipole as a kicker element in (HL)LHC beam 1 or 2, for
tracking. This function makes the assumption that the `lhcb1` / `lhcb2`
sequence is already defined, sliced, with an associated beam (``BEAM``
command or `~lhc.make_lhc_beams` function), is matched to the desired
working point and a ``TWISS`` call has been made.
In a real machine, the AC Dipole **does** impact the orbit as well as
the betatron functions when turned on (:cite:t:`Miyamoto:ACD:2008`,
part III). In ``MAD-X`` however, it cannot be modeled to do both at
the same time. This routine introduces an AC Dipole as a kicker
element so that its effect can be seen on particle trajectory
in tracking. It **does not** affect ``TWISS`` functions.
The sequence should be sliced before calling this function, as the
AC Dipole is installed at the location of ``MKQA.6L4.B[12]``. This
is a minor inconvenience as the sequence should be sliced in order
to perform tracking anyway.
One can find a full example use of the function for tracking in the
:ref:`AC Dipole Tracking <demo-ac-dipole-tracking>` example gallery.
Installing the AC Dipole modifies the sequence, and the ``USE``
command will be called again at the end of this function. This
will remove any errors that were installed in the sequence.
As the errors impact the optics functions which are used during the
installation of the AC Dipole, it would not be correct to implement
them only after installing the element.
Therefore, it is recommended to install the errors and save them with
the ``ESAVE`` or ``ETABLE`` command, call this function, then
re-implement the errors with the ``SETERR`` command.
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
deltaqx : float
The deltaQx (horizontal tune excitation) used by the AC dipole.
This is added on top of the current matched tune.
deltaqy : float
The deltaQy (vertical tune excitation) used by the AC dipole.
This is added on top of the current matched tune.
sigma_x : float
The horizontal amplitude to drive the beam to, in bunch sigma.
sigma_y : float
The vertical amplitude to drive the beam to, in bunch sigma.
beam : int
The LHC beam to install the AC Dipole into, either 1 or 2.
Defaults to 1.
start_turn : int
The turn at which to start ramping up the AC dipole during the
tracking. Defaults to 100.
ramp_turns : int
The number of turns to use for the ramp-up and the ramp-down of
the AC dipole. This number is important in order to preserve the
adiabaticity of the cycle. Defaults to 2000, as in the LHC.
top_turns : int
The number of turns to drive the beam for at full amplitude of the
exciting oscillations. Defaults to 6600, as in the LHC.
.. code-block:: python
deltaqx=-0.01, # driven horizontal tune to Qxd = 62.31 - 0.01 = 62.30
deltaqy=0.012, # driven vertical tune to Qyd = 60.32 + 0.012 = 60.332
sigma_x=2, # bunch amplitude kick in the horizontal plane
sigma_y=2, # bunch amplitude kick in the vertical plane
beam=1, # beam for which to install and kick
start_turn=100, # when to turn on the AC Dipole
ramp_turns=2000, # how many turns to ramp up/down the AC Dipole
top_turns=6600, # how many turns to keep the AC Dipole at full kick
logger.warning("This AC Dipole is implemented as a kicker and will not affect TWISS functions!")
logger.debug("This routine should be done after 'match', 'twiss' and 'makethin' for the appropriate beam")
if top_turns > _MAX_TRACKING_TOP_TURNS:
f"Configuring the AC Dipole for {top_turns:d} of driving is fine for MAD-X "
"but is higher than what the device can do in the (HL)LHC! Beware."
ramp1, ramp2 = start_turn, start_turn + ramp_turns
ramp3 = ramp2 + top_turns
ramp4 = ramp3 + ramp_turns
logger.debug("Retrieving tunes from internal tables")
q1, q2 = madx.table.summ.q1[0], madx.table.summ.q2[0]
logger.debug(f"Retrieved values are q1 = {q1:.5f}, q2 = {q2:.5f}")
q1_dipole, q2_dipole = q1 + deltaqx, q2 + deltaqy
logger.debug("Querying BETX and BETY at AC Dipole location")
# All below is done as model_creator macros with `.input()` calls
madx.input(f"pbeam = beam%lhcb{beam:d}->pc;")
madx.input(f"betxac = table(twiss, MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}, BEAM, betx);")
madx.input(f"betyac = table(twiss, MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}, BEAM, bety);")
logger.debug("Calculating AC Dipole voltage values")
madx.input(f"voltx = 0.042 * pbeam * ABS({deltaqx}) / SQRT(180.0 * betxac) * {sigma_x}")
madx.input(f"volty = 0.042 * pbeam * ABS({deltaqy}) / SQRT(177.0 * betyac) * {sigma_y}")
logger.debug("Defining kicker elements for transverse planes")
f"MKACH.6L4.B{beam:d}: hacdipole, l=0, freq:={q1_dipole}, lag=0, volt=voltx, ramp1={ramp1}, "
f"ramp2={ramp2}, ramp3={ramp3}, ramp4={ramp4};"
f"MKACV.6L4.B{beam:d}: vacdipole, l=0, freq:={q2_dipole}, lag=0, volt=volty, ramp1={ramp1}, "
f"ramp2={ramp2}, ramp3={ramp3}, ramp4={ramp4};"
logger.debug(f"Installing AC Dipole kicker with driven tunes of Qx_D = {q1_dipole:.5f} | Qy_D = {q2_dipole:.5f}")
# The kicker version is meant for a thin lattice and is installed right at MKQA.6L4.B[12] (at=0)
madx.command.install(element=f"MKACH.6L4.B{beam:d}", at=0, from_=f"MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}")
madx.command.install(element=f"MKACV.6L4.B{beam:d}", at=0, from_=f"MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}")
f"Sequence LHCB{beam:d} is now re-USEd for changes to take effect. "
"Beware that this will reset it, remove errors etc."
def install_ac_dipole_as_matrix(madx: Madx, /, deltaqx: float, deltaqy: float, beam: int = 1) -> None:
.. versionadded:: 0.15.0
Installs an AC dipole as a matrix element in (HL)LHC beam 1 or 2, to
see its effect on TWISS functions. This function makes the assumption
that the `lhcb1` / `lhcb2` sequence is already defined, sliced, with
an associated beam (``BEAM`` command or `~lhc.make_lhc_beams` function),
is matched to the desired working point and a ``TWISS`` call has been made.
This function's use is very similar to that of
In a real machine, the AC Dipole **does** impact the orbit as well as
the betatron functions when turned on (:cite:t:`Miyamoto:ACD:2008`,
part III). In ``MAD-X`` however, it cannot be modeled to do both at
the same time. This routine introduces an AC Dipole as a matrix element
so that its effect can be seen on ``TWISS`` functions. It **does not**
affect tracking.
Installing the AC Dipole modifies the sequence, and the ``USE``
command will be called again at the end of this function. This
will remove any errors that were installed in the sequence.
As the errors impact the optics functions which are used during the
installation of the AC Dipole, it would not be correct to implement
them only after installing the element.
Therefore, it is recommended to install the errors and save them with
the ``ESAVE`` or ``ETABLE`` command, call this function, then
re-implement the errors with the ``SETERR`` command.
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
deltaqx : float
The deltaQx (horizontal tune excitation) used by the AC dipole.
This is added on top of the current matched tune.
deltaqy : float
The deltaQy (vertical tune excitation) used by the AC dipole.
This is added on top of the current matched tune.
beam : int
The LHC beam to install the AC Dipole into, either 1 or 2.
Defaults to 1.
.. code-block:: python
install_ac_dipole_as_matrix(madx, deltaqx=-0.01, deltaqy=0.012, beam=1)
logger.warning("This AC Dipole is implemented as a matrix and will not affect particle tracking!")
logger.debug("This routine should be done after 'match', 'twiss' and 'makethin' for the appropriate beam.")
logger.debug("Retrieving tunes from internal tables")
q1, q2 = madx.table.summ.q1[0], madx.table.summ.q2[0]
logger.debug(f"Retrieved values are q1 = {q1:.5f}, q2 = {q2:.5f}")
q1_dipole, q2_dipole = q1 + deltaqx, q2 + deltaqy
logger.debug("Querying BETX and BETY at AC Dipole location")
# All below is done as model_creator macros with `.input()` calls
madx.input(f"betxac = table(twiss, MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}, BEAM, betx);")
madx.input(f"betyac = table(twiss, MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}, BEAM, bety);")
logger.debug("Calculating AC Dipole matrix terms")
madx.input(f"hacmap21 = 2 * (cos(2*pi*{q1_dipole}) - cos(2*pi*{q1})) / (betxac * sin(2*pi*{q1}));")
madx.input(f"vacmap43 = 2 * (cos(2*pi*{q2_dipole}) - cos(2*pi*{q2})) / (betyac * sin(2*pi*{q2}));")
logger.debug("Defining matrix elements for transverse planes")
madx.input("hacmap: matrix, l=0, rm21=hacmap21;")
madx.input("vacmap: matrix, l=0, rm43=vacmap43;")
logger.debug(f"Installing AC Dipole matrix with driven tunes of Qx_D = {q1_dipole:.5f} | Qy_D = {q2_dipole:.5f}")
# The matrix version is meant for a thick lattice and is installed a little after MKQA.6L4.B[12]
madx.command.install(element="hacmap", at="1.583 / 2", from_=f"MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}")
madx.command.install(element="vacmap", at="1.583 / 2", from_=f"MKQA.6L4.B{beam:d}")
f"Sequence LHCB{beam:d} is now re-USEd for changes to take effect. Beware that this will reset it, "
"remove errors etc."
def add_markers_around_lhc_ip(madx: Madx, /, sequence: str, ip: int, n_markers: int, interval: float) -> None:
.. versionadded:: 1.0.0
Adds some simple marker elements left and right of an IP, to increase
the granularity of optics functions returned from a ``TWISS`` call.
It is most likely needed to have sliced the sequence before calling
this function, as otherwise there is a risk on getting a negative
drift depending on the affected IP. This would lead to the remote
``MAD-X`` process to crash.
After editing the *sequence* to add markers, the ``USE`` command will
be called for the changes to apply. This means the caveats of ``USE``
apply, for instance the erasing of previously defined errors, orbits
corrections etc.
Therefore, it is recommended to install the errors and save them with
the ``ESAVE`` or ``ETABLE`` command, call this function, then
re-implement the errors with the ``SETERR`` command.
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
sequence : str
Which sequence to use the routine on.
ip : int
The interaction point around which to add markers.
n_markers : int
How many markers to add on each side of the IP.
interval : float
The distance between markers, in [m]. Giving ``interval=0.05`` will
place a marker every 5cm (starting 5cm away from the IP) on each side.
.. code-block:: python
madx, sequence=f"lhcb1", ip=1, n_markers=1000, interval=0.001
logger.debug(f"Adding {n_markers:d} markers on each side of IP{ip:d}")
for i in range(1, n_markers + 1):
element=f"MARKER.LEFT.IP{ip:d}.{i:02d}", class_="MARKER", at=-i * interval, from_=f"IP{ip:d}"
element=f"MARKER.RIGHT.IP{ip:d}.{i:02d}", class_="MARKER", at=i * interval, from_=f"IP{ip:d}"
f"Sequence '{sequence}' will be USEd for new markers to be taken in consideration, beware that this will erase errors etc."