Source code for pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._errors

.. _lhc-errors:

**Errors Utilities**

The functions below are utilities to implement errors in elements of the ``LHC``.
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence

from cpymad.madx import Madx
from loguru import logger

LHC_IR_QUADS_PATTERNS: Dict[int, List[str]] = {
    1: ["^MQXA.1{side}{ip:d}", "^MQXFA.[AB]1{side}{ip:d}"],  # Q1 LHC, Q1A & Q1B HL-LHC
    2: ["^MQXB.[AB]2{side}{ip:d}", "^MQXB.[AB]2{side}{ip:d}"],  # Q2A & Q2B LHC, Q2A & Q2B HL-LHC
    3: ["^MQXA.3{side}{ip:d}", "^MQXFA.[AB]3{side}{ip:d}"],  # Q3 LHC, Q3A & Q3B HL-LHC
    4: ["^MQY.4{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q4 LHC & HL-LHC
    5: ["^MQML.5{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q5 LHC & HL-LHC
    6: ["^MQML.6{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q6 LHC & HL-LHC
    7: ["^MQM.[AB]7{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q7A & Q7B LHC & HL-LHC
    8: ["^MQML.8{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q8 LHC & HL-LHC
    9: ["^MQM.9{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}", "^MQMC.9{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q9 3.4m then 2.4m LHC & HL-LHC
    10: ["^MQML.10{side}{ip:d}.B{beam:d}"],  # Q10 4.8m LHC & HL-LHC

[docs]def misalign_lhc_triplets( madx: Madx, /, ip: int, sides: Sequence[str] = ("r", "l"), table: str = "triplet_errors", **kwargs ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Apply misalignment errors to IR triplet quadrupoles on a given side of a given IP. In case of a sliced lattice, this will misalign all slices of each magnet together. This is a convenience wrapper around the `~.misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles` function, see that function's docstring for more information. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. ip (int): the interaction point around which to apply errors. sides (Sequence[str]): sides of the IP to apply error on the triplets, either L or R or both. Case-insensitive. Defaults to both. table (str): the name of the internal table that will save the assigned errors. Defaults to `triplet_errors`. **kwargs: Any keyword argument is given to the ``EALIGN`` command, including the error to apply (`DX`, `DY`, `DPSI` etc) as a string, like it would be given directly into ``MAD-X``. Examples: A random, gaussian truncated ``DX`` misalignment: .. code-block:: python misalign_lhc_triplets(madx, ip=1, sides="RL", dx="1E-5 * TGAUSS(2.5)") A random, gaussian truncated ``DPSI`` misalignment: .. code-block:: python misalign_lhc_triplets(madx, ip=5, sides="RL", dpsi="0.001 * TGAUSS(2.5)") """ misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles(madx, ips=[ip], beam=None, quadrupoles=(1, 2, 3), sides=sides, table=table, **kwargs)
[docs]def misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles( madx: Madx, /, ips: Sequence[int], beam: int, quadrupoles: Sequence[int], sides: Sequence[str] = ("r", "l"), table: str = "ir_quads_errors", **kwargs, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Apply misalignment errors to IR quadrupoles on a given side of given IPs. In case of a sliced lattice, this will misalign all slices of each magnet together. According to the `Equipment Codes Main System <>`_, those are Q1 to Q10 included, quads beyond are ``MQ`` or ``MQT`` which are considered arc elements. One can find a full example use of the function for tracking in the :ref:`LHC IR Errors <demo-ir-errors>` example gallery. .. warning:: This implementation is only valid for LHC IP IRs, which are 1, 2, 5 and 8. Other IRs have different layouts incompatible with this function. .. warning:: One should avoid issuing different errors with several uses of this command as it is unclear to me how ``MAD-X`` chooses to handle this internally. Instead, it is advised to give all errors in the same command, which is guaranteed to work. See the last provided example below. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. ips (Sequence[int]): the interaction point(s) around which to apply errors. beam (int): beam number to apply the errors to. Unlike triplet quadrupoles which are single aperture, Q4 to Q10 are not and will need this information. quadrupoles (Sequence[int]): the number of the quadrupoles to apply errors to. sides (Sequence[str]): sides of the IP to apply error on the triplets, either L or R or both. Case-insensitive. Defaults to both. table (str): the name of the internal table that will save the assigned errors. Defaults to 'ir_quads_errors'. **kwargs: Any keyword argument is given to the ``EALIGN`` command, including the error to apply (`DX`, `DY`, `DPSI` etc) as a string, like it would be given directly into ``MAD-X``. Examples: For systematic ``DX`` misalignment: .. code-block:: python misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles( madx, ips=[1], quadrupoles=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], beam=1, sides="RL", dx="1E-5" ) For a tilt distribution centered on 1mrad: .. code-block:: python misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles( madx, ips=[5], quadrupoles=[7, 8, 9, 10], beam=1, sides="RL", dpsi="1E-3 + 8E-4 * TGAUSS(2.5)", ) For several error types on the elements, here ``DY`` and ``DPSI``: .. code-block:: python misalign_lhc_ir_quadrupoles( madx, ips=[1, 5], quadrupoles=list(range(1, 11)), beam=1, sides="RL", dy=1e-5, # ok too as cpymad converts this to a string first dpsi="1E-3 + 8E-4 * TGAUSS(2.5)" ) """ if any(ip not in (1, 2, 5, 8) for ip in ips): logger.error("The IP number provided is invalid, not applying any error.") raise ValueError("Invalid 'ips' parameter") if beam and beam not in (1, 2, 3, 4): logger.error("The beam number provided is invalid, not applying any error.") raise ValueError("Invalid 'beam' parameter") if any(side.upper() not in ("R", "L") for side in sides): logger.error("The side provided is invalid, not applying any error.") raise ValueError("Invalid 'sides' parameter") sides = [side.upper() for side in sides] logger.debug("Clearing error flag")"error", clear=True) logger.debug(f"Applying alignment errors to IR quads '{quadrupoles}', with arguments {kwargs}") for ip in ips: logger.debug(f"Applying errors for IR{ip}") for side in sides: for quad_number in quadrupoles: for quad_pattern in LHC_IR_QUADS_PATTERNS[quad_number]: # Triplets are single aperture and don't need beam information, others do if quad_number <= 3:"error", pattern=quad_pattern.format(side=side, ip=ip)) else:"error", pattern=quad_pattern.format(side=side, ip=ip, beam=beam)) madx.command.ealign(**kwargs) table = table if table else "etable" # guarantee etable command won't fail if someone gives `table=None` logger.debug(f"Saving assigned errors in internal table '{table}'") madx.command.etable(table=table) logger.debug("Clearing up error flag")"error", clear=True)