Source code for pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._misc

.. _lhc-mist:

**Miscellaneous Utilities**

The functions below are miscellaneous utilities for the ``LHC``.
from typing import List, Tuple

from cpymad.madx import Madx
from loguru import logger

from pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools import twiss
from pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.constants import (
from pyhdtoolkit.optics.ripken import _add_beam_size_to_df

[docs]def make_sixtrack_output(madx: Madx, /, energy: int) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Prepare output for a ``SixTrack`` run. Initial implementation credits go to :user:`Joschua Dilly <joschd>`. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. energy (float): beam energy, in [GeV]. Example: .. code-block:: python make_sixtrack_output(madx, energy=6800) """ logger.debug("Preparing outputs for SixTrack") logger.debug("Powering RF cavities") madx.globals["VRF400"] = 8 if energy < 5000 else 16 # is 6 at injection for protons iirc? madx.globals["LAGRF400.B1"] = 0.5 # cavity phase difference in units of 2pi madx.globals["LAGRF400.B2"] = 0.0 logger.debug("Executing TWISS and SIXTRACK commands") madx.twiss() # used by sixtrack madx.sixtrack(cavall=True, radius=0.017) # this value is only ok for HL(LHC) magnet radius
[docs]def reset_lhc_bump_flags(madx: Madx, /) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Resets all LHC IP bump flags to 0. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. Example: .. code-block:: python reset_lhc_bump_flags(madx) """ logger.debug("Resetting all LHC IP bump flags") ALL_BUMPS = ( LHC_ANGLE_FLAGS + LHC_CROSSING_ANGLE_FLAGS + LHC_EXPERIMENT_STATE_FLAGS + LHC_IP2_SPECIAL_FLAG + LHC_IP_OFFSET_FLAGS + LHC_PARALLEL_SEPARATION_FLAGS ) with madx.batch(): madx.globals.update({bump: 0 for bump in ALL_BUMPS})
[docs]def get_lhc_tune_and_chroma_knobs( accelerator: str, beam: int = 1, telescopic_squeeze: bool = True, run3: bool = False ) -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Gets names of knobs needed to match tunes and chromaticities as a tuple of strings, for the LHC or HLLHC machines. Initial implementation credits go to :user:`Joschua Dilly <joschd>`. Args: accelerator (str): Accelerator either 'LHC' (dQ[xy], dQp[xy] knobs) or 'HLLHC' (kqt[fd], ks[fd] knobs). beam (int): Beam to use, for the knob names. Defaults to 1. telescopic_squeeze (bool): if set to `True`, returns the knobs for Telescopic Squeeze configuration. Defaults to `True` to reflect run III scenarios. run3 (bool): if set to `True`, returns the Run 3 `*_op` knobs. Defaults to `False`. Returns: A `tuple` of strings with knobs for ``(qx, qy, dqx, dqy)``. Examples: .. code-block:: python get_lhc_tune_and_chroma_knobs("LHC", beam=1, telescopic_squeeze=False) # gives ('dQx.b1', 'dQy.b1', 'dQpx.b1', 'dQpy.b1') .. code-block:: python get_lhc_tune_and_chroma_knobs("LHC", beam=2, run3=True) # gives ('dQx.b2_op', 'dQx.b2_op', 'dQpx.b2_op', 'dQpx.b2_op') .. code-block:: python get_lhc_tune_and_chroma_knobs("HLLHC", beam=2) # gives ('kqtf.b2_sq', 'kqtd.b2_sq', 'ksf.b2_sq', 'ksd.b2_sq') """ beam = 2 if beam == 4 else beam if run3: suffix = "_op" elif telescopic_squeeze: suffix = "_sq" else: suffix = "" if accelerator.upper() not in ("LHC", "HLLHC"): logger.error("Invalid accelerator name, only 'LHC' and 'HLLHC' implemented") raise NotImplementedError(f"Accelerator '{accelerator}' not implemented.") return { "LHC": ( f"dQx.b{beam}{suffix}", f"dQy.b{beam}{suffix}", f"dQpx.b{beam}{suffix}", f"dQpy.b{beam}{suffix}", ), "HLLHC": ( f"kqtf.b{beam}{suffix}", f"kqtd.b{beam}{suffix}", f"ksf.b{beam}{suffix}", f"ksd.b{beam}{suffix}", ), }[accelerator.upper()]
[docs]def get_lhc_bpms_list(madx: Madx, /) -> List[str]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Returns the list of monitoring BPMs for the current LHC sequence in use. The BPMs are queried through a regex in the result of a ``TWISS`` command. .. note:: As this function calls the ``TWISS`` command and requires that ``TWISS`` can succeed on your sequence. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instantiated cpymad.madx.Madx object. Returns: The `list` of BPM names. Example: .. code-block:: python observation_bpms = get_lhc_bpms_list(madx) """ twiss_df = twiss.get_twiss_tfs(madx).reset_index() bpms_df = twiss_df[twiss_df.NAME.str.contains("^bpm.*B[12]$", case=False, regex=True)] return bpms_df.NAME.tolist()
[docs]def get_sizes_at_ip( madx: Madx, /, ip: int, geom_emit_x: float = None, geom_emit_y: float = None ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 Get the Lebedev beam sizes (horizontal and vertical) at the provided LHC *ip*. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. ip (int): the IP to get the sizes at. geom_emit_x (float): the horizontal geometrical emittance to use for the calculation. If not provided, will look for the values of the ``geometric_emit_x`` variable in ``MAD-X``. geom_emit_y (float): the vertical geometrical emittance to use for the calculation. If not provided, will look for the values of the ``geometric_emit_y`` variable in ``MAD-X``. Returns: A tuple of the horizontal and vertical beam sizes at the provided *IP*. Example: .. code-block:: python ip5_x, ip5_y = get_size_at_ip(madx, ip=5) """ logger.debug(f"Getting horizontal and vertical sizes at IP{ip:d} through Ripken parameters") geom_emit_x = geom_emit_x or madx.globals["geometric_emit_x"] geom_emit_y = geom_emit_y or madx.globals["geometric_emit_y"] twiss_tfs = twiss.get_twiss_tfs(madx, ripken=True) twiss_tfs = _add_beam_size_to_df(twiss_tfs, geom_emit_x, geom_emit_y) return twiss_tfs.loc[f"IP{ip:d}"].SIZE_X, twiss_tfs.loc[f"IP{ip:d}"].SIZE_Y