Source code for pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._powering

.. _lhc-powering:

**Powering Utilities**

The functions below are magnets or knobs powering utilities for the ``LHC``.
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence

from cpymad.madx import Madx
from loguru import logger

[docs]def apply_lhc_colinearity_knob(madx: Madx, /, colinearity_knob_value: float = 0, ir: int = None) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Applies the a trim of the LHC colinearity knob. .. note:: If you don't know what this is, you really should not be using this function. .. tip:: The convention, which is also the one I implemented in ``LSA`` for the ``LHC``, is that a positive value of the colinearity knob results in a powering increase of the ``MQSX`` *right* of the IP, and a powering decrease of the ``MQSX`` *left* of the IP. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. colinearity_knob_value (float): Units of the colinearity knob to apply. Defaults to 0 so users don't mess up local IR coupling by mistake. This should be a positive integer, normally between 1 and 10. ir (int): The Interaction Region to apply the knob to, should be one of [1, 2, 5, 8]. Classically 1 or 5. Example: .. code-block:: python apply_lhc_colinearity_knob(madx, colinearity_knob_value=5, ir=1) """ logger.debug(f"Applying Colinearity knob with a unit setting of {colinearity_knob_value}") logger.warning("You should re-match tunes & chromaticities after this colinearity knob is applied") knob_variables = (f"KQSX3.R{ir:d}", f"KQSX3.L{ir:d}") # MQSX IP coupling correctors powering right_knob, left_knob = knob_variables madx.globals[right_knob] = colinearity_knob_value * 1e-4 logger.debug(f"Set '{right_knob}' to {madx.globals[right_knob]}") madx.globals[left_knob] = -1 * colinearity_knob_value * 1e-4 logger.debug(f"Set '{left_knob}' to {madx.globals[left_knob]}")
[docs]def apply_lhc_colinearity_knob_delta(madx: Madx, /, colinearity_knob_delta: float = 0, ir: int = None) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.21.0 This is essentially the same as `.apply_lhc_colinearity_knob`, but instead of a applying fixed powering value, it applies a delta to the (potentially) existing value. .. note:: If you don't know what this is, you really should not be using this function. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. colinearity_knob_delta (float): Units of the colinearity knob to vary the existing powerings with. Defaults to 0. ir (int): The Interaction Region to apply the knob to, should be one of [1, 2, 5, 8]. Classically 1 or 5. Example: .. code-block:: python apply_lhc_colinearity_knob_delta(madx, colinearity_knob_delta=3.5, ir=1) """ logger.debug(f"Applying Colinearity knob delta of {colinearity_knob_delta}") logger.warning("You should re-match tunes & chromaticities after this delta is applied") knob_variables = (f"KQSX3.R{ir:d}", f"KQSX3.L{ir:d}") # MQSX IP coupling correctors powering right_knob, left_knob = knob_variables logger.debug("Query current knob values") current_right = madx.eval(right_knob) # ugly, but avoids KeyError if not defined yet current_left = madx.eval(left_knob) # augly, but avoids KeyError if not defined yet logger.debug(f"Current right knob value is {current_right}") logger.debug(f"Current left knob value is {current_left}") madx.globals[right_knob] = current_right + colinearity_knob_delta * 1e-4 logger.debug(f"Set '{right_knob}' to {madx.globals[right_knob]}") madx.globals[left_knob] = current_left - colinearity_knob_delta * 1e-4 logger.debug(f"Set '{left_knob}' to {madx.globals[left_knob]}")
[docs]def apply_lhc_rigidity_waist_shift_knob( madx: Madx, /, rigidty_waist_shift_value: float = 0, ir: int = None, side: str = "left" ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Applies a trim of the LHC rigidity waist shift knob, moving the waist left or right of IP. The waist shift is achieved by moving all four betatron waists simltaneously: unbalancing the triplet powering knobs of the left and right-hand sides of the IP. .. note:: If you don't know what this is, you really should not be using this function. .. warning:: Applying the shift will modify your tunes and is likely to flip them, making a subsequent matching impossible if your lattice has coupling. To avoid this, one should match to tunes split further apart before applying the waist shift knob, and then match to the desired working point. For instance for the LHC, matching to (62.27, 60.36) before applying and afterwards rematching to (62.31, 60.32) usually works well. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. rigidty_waist_shift_value (float): Units of the rigidity waist shift knob (positive values only). ir (int): The Interaction Region to apply the knob to, should be one of [1, 2, 5, 8]. Classically 1 or 5. side (str): Which side of the IP to move the waist to, determines a sign in the calculation. Defaults to `left`, which means :math:`s_{\\mathrm{waist}} \\lt s_{\\mathrm{ip}}` (and setting it to `right` would move the waist such that :math:`s_{\\mathrm{waist}} \\gt s_{\\mathrm{ip}}`). Example: .. code-block:: python # It is recommended to re-match tunes after this routine matching.match_tunes(madx, "lhc", "lhcb1", 62.27, 60.36) apply_lhc_rigidity_waist_shift_knob(madx, rigidty_waist_shift_value=1.5, ir=5) matching.match_tunes(madx, "lhc", "lhcb1", 62.31, 60.32) """ logger.debug(f"Applying Rigidity Waist Shift knob with a unit setting of {rigidty_waist_shift_value}") logger.warning("You should re-match tunes & chromaticities after this rigid waist shift knob is applied") right_knob, left_knob = f"kqx.r{ir:d}", f"kqx.l{ir:d}" # IP triplet default knob (no trims) current_right_knob = madx.globals[right_knob] current_left_knob = madx.globals[left_knob] if side.lower() == "left": madx.globals[right_knob] = (1 - rigidty_waist_shift_value * 0.005) * current_right_knob madx.globals[left_knob] = (1 + rigidty_waist_shift_value * 0.005) * current_left_knob elif side.lower() == "right": madx.globals[right_knob] = (1 + rigidty_waist_shift_value * 0.005) * current_right_knob madx.globals[left_knob] = (1 - rigidty_waist_shift_value * 0.005) * current_left_knob else: logger.error(f"Given side '{side}' invalid, only 'left' and 'right' are accepted values.") raise ValueError("Invalid value for parameter 'side'.") logger.debug(f"Set '{right_knob}' to {madx.globals[right_knob]}") logger.debug(f"Set '{left_knob}' to {madx.globals[left_knob]}")
[docs]def apply_lhc_coupling_knob( madx: Madx, /, coupling_knob: float = 0, beam: int = 1, telescopic_squeeze: bool = True ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Applies a trim of the LHC coupling knob to reach the desired :math:`|C^{-}|` value. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. coupling_knob (float): Desired value for the Cminus, typically a few units of ``1E-3``. Defaults to 0 so users don't mess up coupling by mistake. beam (int): beam to apply the knob to. Defaults to beam 1. telescopic_squeeze (bool): if set to `True`, uses the knobs for Telescopic Squeeze configuration. Defaults to `True` since `v0.9.0`. Example: .. code-block:: python apply_lhc_coupling_knob(madx, coupling_knob=5e-4, beam=1) """ # NOTE: for maintainers, no `_op` suffix on ATS coupling knobs, only `_sq` even in Run 3 logger.debug("Applying coupling knob") logger.warning("You should re-match tunes & chromaticities after this coupling knob is applied") suffix = "_sq" if telescopic_squeeze else "" # NOTE: Only using this knob will give a dqmin very close to coupling_knob # If one wants to also assign f"CMIS.b{beam:d}{suffix}" the dqmin will be > coupling_knob knob_name = f"CMRS.b{beam:d}{suffix}" logger.debug(f"Knob '{knob_name}' is {madx.globals[knob_name]} before implementation") madx.globals[knob_name] = coupling_knob logger.debug(f"Set '{knob_name}' to {madx.globals[knob_name]}")
[docs]def carry_colinearity_knob_over(madx: Madx, /, ir: int, to_left: bool = True) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 Removes the powering setting on one side of the colinearty knob and applies it to the other side. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. ir (int): The Interaction Region around which to apply the change, should be one of [1, 2, 5, 8]. to_left (bool): If `True`, the magnet right of IP is de-powered of and its powering is transferred to the magnet left of IP. If `False`, then the opposite happens. Defaults to `True`. Example: .. code-block:: python carry_colinearity_knob_over(madx, ir=5, to_left=True) """ side = "left" if to_left else "right" logger.debug(f"Carrying colinearity knob powering around IP{ir:d} over to the {side} side") left_variable, right_variable = f"kqsx3.l{ir:d}", f"kqsx3.r{ir:d}" left_powering, right_powering = madx.globals[left_variable], madx.globals[right_variable] logger.debug(f"Current powering values are: '{left_variable}'={left_powering} | '{right_variable}'={left_powering}") new_left = left_powering + right_powering if to_left else 0 new_right = 0 if to_left else left_powering + right_powering logger.debug(f"New powering values are: '{left_variable}'={new_left} | '{right_variable}'={new_right}") madx.globals[left_variable] = new_left madx.globals[right_variable] = new_right logger.debug("New powerings applied")
[docs]def power_landau_octupoles(madx: Madx, /, beam: int, mo_current: float, defective_arc: bool = False) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Powers the Landau octupoles in the (HL)LHC. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. beam (int): beam to use. mo_current (float): `MO` powering, in [A]. defective_arc: If set to `True`, the ``KOD`` in Arc 56 are powered for less ``Imax``. Example: .. code-block:: python power_landau_octupoles(madx, beam=1, mo_current=350, defect_arc=True) """ try: brho = madx.globals.nrj * 1e9 / madx.globals.clight # clight is MAD-X constant except AttributeError as madx_error: logger.exception("The global MAD-X variable 'NRJ' should have been set in the optics files but is not defined.") raise EnvironmentError("No 'NRJ' variable found in scripts") from madx_error logger.debug(f"Powering Landau Octupoles, beam {beam} @ {madx.globals.nrj} GeV with {mo_current} A.") strength = mo_current / madx.globals.Imax_MO * madx.globals.Kmax_MO / brho beam = 2 if beam == 4 else beam for arc in _all_lhc_arcs(beam): for fd in "FD": octupole = f"KO{fd}.{arc}" logger.debug(f"Powering element '{octupole}' at {strength} Amps") madx.globals[octupole] = strength if defective_arc and (beam == 1): madx.globals["KOD.A56B1"] = strength * 4.65 / 6 # defective MO group
[docs]def deactivate_lhc_arc_sextupoles(madx: Madx, /, beam: int) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Deactivates all arc sextupoles in the (HL)LHC. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. beam (int): beam to use. Example: .. code-block:: python deactivate_lhc_arc_sextupoles(madx, beam=1) """ # KSF1 and KSD2 - Strong sextupoles of sectors 81/12/45/56 # KSF2 and KSD1 - Weak sextupoles of sectors 81/12/45/56 # Rest: Weak sextupoles in sectors 78/23/34/67 logger.debug(f"Deactivating all arc sextupoles for beam {beam}.") beam = 2 if beam == 4 else beam for arc in _all_lhc_arcs(beam): for fd in "FD": for i in (1, 2): sextupole = f"KS{fd}{i:d}.{arc}" logger.debug(f"De-powering element '{sextupole}'") madx.globals[sextupole] = 0.0
[docs]def vary_independent_ir_quadrupoles( madx: Madx, /, quad_numbers: Sequence[int], ip: int, sides: Sequence[str] = ("r", "l"), beam: int = 1 ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.15.0 Sends the ``VARY`` commands for the desired quadrupoles in the IR surrounding the provided *ip*. The independent quadrupoles for which this is implemented are Q4 to Q13 included. This is useful to setup some specific matching involving these elements. .. important:: It is necessary to have defined a ``brho`` variable when creating your beams. If one has used `make_lhc_beams` to create the beams, this has already been done automatically. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. quad_numbers (Sequence[int]): quadrupoles to be varied, by number (aka position from IP). ip (int): the IP around which to apply the instructions. sides (Sequence[str]): the sides of IP to act on. Should be `R` for right and `L` for left, accepts these letters case-insensitively. Defaults to both sides of the IP. beam (int): the beam for which to apply the instructions. Defaults to 1. Example: .. code-block:: python vary_independent_ir_quadrupoles( madx, quad_numbers=[10, 11, 12, 13], ip=1, sides=("r", "l") ) """ if ( ip not in (1, 2, 5, 8) or any(side.upper() not in ("R", "L") for side in sides) or any(quad not in (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) for quad in quad_numbers) ): logger.error("Either the IP number of the side provided are invalid, not applying any error.") raise ValueError("Invalid 'quad_numbers', 'ip', 'sides' argument") logger.debug(f"Preparing a knob involving quadrupoles {quad_numbers}") # Each quad has a specific power circuit used for their k1 boundaries power_circuits: Dict[int, str] = { 4: "mqy", 5: "mqml", 6: "mqml", 7: "mqm", 8: "mqml", 9: "mqm", 10: "mqml", 11: "mqtli", 12: "mqt", 13: "mqt", } for quad in quad_numbers: circuit = power_circuits[quad] for side in sides: logger.debug(f"Sending vary command for Q{quad}{side.upper()}{ip}") madx.command.vary( name=f"kq{'t' if quad >= 11 else ''}{'l' if quad == 11 else ''}{quad}.{side}{ip}b{beam}", step=1e-7, lower=f"-{circuit}.{'b' if quad == 7 else ''}{quad}{side}{ip}.b{beam}->kmax/brho", upper=f"+{circuit}.{'b' if quad == 7 else ''}{quad}{side}{ip}.b{beam}->kmax/brho", )
[docs]def switch_magnetic_errors(madx: Madx, /, **kwargs) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.7.0 Applies magnetic field orders. This will only work for LHC and HLLHC machines. Initial implementation credits go to :user:`Joschua Dilly <joschd>`. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. **kwargs: The setting works through keyword arguments, and several specific kwargs are expected. `default` sets global default to this value (defaults to `False`). `AB#` sets the default for all of that order, the order being the `#` number. `A#` or `B#` sets the default for systematic and random of this id. `A#s`, `B#r`, etc. sets the specific value for this given order. In all kwargs, the order # should be in the range [1...15], where 1 == dipolar field. Examples: Set random values for (alsmost) all of these orders: .. code-block:: python random_kwargs = {} for order in range(1, 16): for ab in "AB": random_kwargs[f"{ab}{order:d}"] = random.randint(0, 20) switch_magnetic_errors(madx, **random_kwargs) Set a given value for ``B6`` order magnetic errors only: .. code-block:: python switch_magnetic_errors(madx, {"B6": 1e-4}) """ logger.debug("Setting magnetic errors") global_default = kwargs.get("default", False) for order in range(1, 16): logger.debug(f"Setting up for order {order}") order_default = kwargs.get(f"AB{order:d}", global_default) for ab in "AB": ab_default = kwargs.get(f"{ab}{order:d}", order_default) for sr in "sr": name = f"{ab}{order:d}{sr}" error_value = int(kwargs.get(name, ab_default)) logger.debug(f"Setting global for 'ON_{name}' to {error_value}") madx.globals[f"ON_{name}"] = error_value
# ----- Helpers ----- # def _all_lhc_arcs(beam: int) -> List[str]: """ Generates and returns the names of all LHC arcs for a given beam. Initial implementation credits go to :user:`Joschua Dilly <joschd>`. Args: beam (int): beam to get names for. Returns: The list of names. """ return [f"A{i+1}{(i+1)%8+1}B{beam:d}" for i in range(8)]