.. _lhc-routines:
**Routine Utilities**
The functions below are routines mimicking manipulations that
would be done in the ``LHC``.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
import tfs
from loguru import logger
from pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._twiss import get_ir_twiss
from cpymad.madx import Madx
def do_kmodulation(
madx: Madx, /, ir: int = 1, side: str = "right", steps: int = 100, stepsize: float = 3e-8, **kwargs
) -> tfs.TfsDataFrame:
.. versionadded:: 0.20.0
Simulates a K-Modulation measurement by varying the powering of Q1 left or
right of the IP, and returning the tune variations resulting from this
At the end of the simulation, the powering of the quadrupole is reset
to the value it had at the time of function call.
From these, one can then calculate the :math:`\beta`-functions at the
Q1 and then at the IP, plus the possible waist shift, according to
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
ir : int
The IR in which to perform the modulation. Defaults to 1.
side : str
Side of the IP on which to use the Q1 to perform the modulation.
Should be either ``right`` or ``left``, case insensitive. Defaults
to ``right``.
steps : int
The number of steps to perform in the modulation, aka the number of
"measurements". Defaults to 100.
stepsize : float
The increment in powering for Q1, in direct values of the powering
variable used in ``MAD-X``. Defaults to 3e-8.
Any additional keyword arguments to pass to down to the ``MAD-X``
``TWISS`` command, such as `chrom`, `ripken` or `centre`.
A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` containing the tune values at each powering step.
.. code-block:: python
tune_results = do_kmodulation(
madx, ir=1, side="right", steps=100, stepsize=3e-8
element = f"MQXA.1R{ir:d}" if side.lower() == "right" else f"MQXA.1L{ir:d}"
powering_variable = f"KTQX1.R{ir:d}" if side.lower() == "right" else f"KTQX1.L{ir:d}"
logger.debug(f"Saving current magnet powering for '{element}'")
old_powering = madx.globals[powering_variable]
minval = old_powering - steps / 2 * stepsize
maxval = old_powering + steps / 2 * stepsize
k_powerings = np.linspace(minval, maxval, steps + 1)
results = tfs.TfsDataFrame(
columns=["K", "TUNEX", "ERRTUNEX", "TUNEY", "ERRTUNEY"],
"TITLE": "K-Modulation",
"ELEMENT": element,
"VARIABLE": powering_variable,
"STEPS": steps,
"STEP_SIZE": stepsize,
logger.debug(f"Modulating quadrupole '{element}'")
for powering in k_powerings:
logger.trace(f"Modulation of '{element}' - Setting '{powering_variable}' to {powering}")
madx.globals[powering_variable] = powering
df = get_ir_twiss(madx, ir=ir, centre=True, columns=["k1l", "l"], **kwargs)
results.loc[powering].K = df.loc[element.lower()].k1l / df.loc[element.lower()].l # Store K
results.loc[powering].TUNEX = madx.table.summ.q1[0] # Store Qx
results.loc[powering].TUNEY = madx.table.summ.q2[0] # Store Qy
logger.debug(f"Resetting '{element}' powering")
madx.globals[powering_variable] = old_powering
results.index.name = powering_variable
results.ERRTUNEX = 0 # No measurement error from MAD-X
results.ERRTUNEY = 0 # No measurement error from MAD-X
return results
def correct_lhc_global_coupling(
madx: Madx, /, beam: int = 1, telescopic_squeeze: bool = True, calls: int = 100, tolerance: float = 1.0e-21
) -> None:
.. versionadded:: 0.20.0
A littly tricky matching routine to perform a decent global coupling
correction using the ``LHC`` coupling knobs.
This routine makes use of some matching tricks and uses the ``SUMM``
table's ``dqmin`` variable for the matching. It should be considered
a helpful little trick, but it is not a perfect solution.
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
beam : int
The beam to perform the matching for. Should be either 1 or 2.
Defaults to 1.
telescopic_squeeze : bool
If set to `True`, uses the ``(HL)LHC`` knobs for Telescopic
Squeeze configuration. Defaults to `True`.
calls : int
Max number of varying calls to perform. Defaults to 100.
tolerance : float
Tolerance for successfull matching. Defaults to :math:`10^{-21}`.
.. code-block:: python
correct_lhc_global_coupling(madx, sequence="lhcb1", telescopic_squeeze=True)
suffix = "_sq" if telescopic_squeeze else ""
sequence = f"lhcb{beam:d}"
logger.debug(f"Attempting to correct global coupling through matching, on sequence '{sequence}'")
real_knob, imag_knob = f"CMRS.b{beam:d}{suffix}", f"CMIS.b{beam:d}{suffix}"
logger.debug(f"Matching using the coupling knobs '{real_knob}' and '{imag_knob}'")
madx.command.gweight(dqmin=1, Q1=0)
madx.command.global_(dqmin=0, Q1=62.28)
madx.command.vary(name=real_knob, step=1.0e-8)
madx.command.vary(name=imag_knob, step=1.0e-8)
madx.command.lmdif(calls=calls, tolerance=tolerance)
def correct_lhc_orbit(
madx: Madx,
sequence: str,
orbit_tolerance: float = 1e-14,
iterations: int = 3,
mode: str = "micado",
) -> None:
.. versionadded:: 0.9.0
Routine for orbit correction using ``MCB.*`` elements in the LHC. This uses
the ``CORRECT`` command in ``MAD-X`` behind the scenes, refer to the `MAD-X
manual <http://madx.web.cern.ch/madx/releases/last-rel/madxuguide.pdf>`_ for
usage information.
madx : cpymad.madx.Madx
An instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only.
sequence : str
Which sequence to use the routine on.
orbit_tolerance : float
The tolerance for the correction. Defaults to 1e-14.
iterations : int
The number of iterations of the correction to perform. Defaults to 3.
mode : str
The method to use for the correction. Defaults to ``micado`` as in
the ``CORRECT`` command.
Any keyword argument that can be given to the ``MAD-X`` ``CORRECT``
command, such as ``mode``, ``ncorr``, etc.
.. code-block:: python
correct_lhc_orbit(madx, sequence="lhcb1", plane="y")
logger.debug("Starting orbit correction")
for default_kicker in ("kicker", "hkicker", "vkicker", "virtualcorrector"):
logger.trace(f"Disabling default corrector class '{default_kicker}'")
madx.command.usekick(sequence=sequence, status="off", class_=default_kicker)
logger.debug("Selecting '^MCB.*' correctors")
madx.command.usekick(sequence=sequence, status="on", pattern="^MCB.*")
madx.command.usemonitor(sequence=sequence, status="on", class_="monitor")
for _ in range(iterations):
logger.trace("Doing orbit correction for Y then X plane")
madx.command.correct(sequence=sequence, plane="y", flag="ring", error=orbit_tolerance, mode=mode, **kwargs)
madx.command.correct(sequence=sequence, plane="x", flag="ring", error=orbit_tolerance, mode=mode, **kwargs)