Source code for pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._routines

.. _lhc-routines:

**Routine Utilities**

The functions below are routines mimicking manipulations that would be done in the ``LHC``.
import numpy as np
import tfs

from cpymad.madx import Madx
from loguru import logger

from pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.lhc._twiss import get_ir_twiss

[docs]def do_kmodulation( madx: Madx, /, ir: int = 1, side: str = "right", steps: int = 100, stepsize: float = 3e-8, **kwargs ) -> tfs.TfsDataFrame: r""" .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 Simulates a K-Modulation measurement by varying the powering of Q1 left or right of the IP, and returning the tune variations resulting from this modulation. .. note:: At the end of the simulation, the powering of the quadrupole is reset to the value it had at the time of function call. .. tip:: From these, one can then calculate the :math:`\beta`-functions at the Q1 and then at the IP, plus the possible waist shift, according to :cite:t:`Carlier:AccuracyFeasibilityMeasurement2017`. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. ir (int): the IR in which to perform the modulation. Defaults to 1. side (str): which side of the IP to use the Q1 to perform the modulation. Should be either ``right`` or ``left``, case-insensitive. Defaults to ``right``. steps (int): the number of steps to perform in the modulations, aka the number of "measurements". Defaults to 100. stepsize (float): the increment in powering for Q1, in direct values of the powering variable used in ``MAD-X``. Defaults to 3e-8. **kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments to pass to down to the ``MAD-X`` ``TWISS`` command, such as ``chrom``, ``ripken`` or ``centre``. Returns: A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` containing the tune values at each powering step. Example: .. code-block:: python tune_results = do_kmodulation(madx, ir=1, side="right", steps=100, stepsize=3e-8) """ element = f"MQXA.1R{ir:d}" if side.lower() == "right" else f"MQXA.1L{ir:d}" powering_variable = f"KTQX1.R{ir:d}" if side.lower() == "right" else f"KTQX1.L{ir:d}" logger.debug(f"Saving current magnet powering for '{element}'") old_powering = madx.globals[powering_variable] minval = old_powering - steps / 2 * stepsize maxval = old_powering + steps / 2 * stepsize k_powerings = np.linspace(minval, maxval, steps + 1) results = tfs.TfsDataFrame( index=k_powerings, columns=["K", "TUNEX", "ERRTUNEX", "TUNEY", "ERRTUNEY"], headers={ "TITLE": "K-Modulation", "ELEMENT": element, "VARIABLE": powering_variable, "STEPS": steps, "STEP_SIZE": stepsize, }, dtype=float, ) logger.debug(f"Modulating quadrupole '{element}'") for powering in k_powerings: logger.trace(f"Modulation of '{element}' - Setting '{powering_variable}' to {powering}") madx.globals[powering_variable] = powering df = get_ir_twiss(madx, ir=ir, centre=True, columns=["k1l", "l"], **kwargs) results.loc[powering].K = df.loc[element.lower()].k1l / df.loc[element.lower()].l # Store K results.loc[powering].TUNEX = madx.table.summ.q1[0] # Store Qx results.loc[powering].TUNEY = madx.table.summ.q2[0] # Store Qy logger.debug(f"Resetting '{element}' powering") madx.globals[powering_variable] = old_powering = powering_variable results.ERRTUNEX = 0 # No measurement error from MAD-X results.ERRTUNEY = 0 # No measurement error from MAD-X return results
# This is a duplicate of the function in, merge at some point
[docs]def correct_lhc_global_coupling( madx: Madx, /, beam: int = 1, telescopic_squeeze: bool = True, calls: int = 100, tolerance: float = 1.0e-21 ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.20.0 A littly tricky matching routine to perform a decent global coupling correction using the ``LHC`` coupling knobs. .. important:: This routine makes use of some matching tricks and uses the ``SUMM`` table's ``dqmin`` variable for the matching. It should be considered a helpful little trick, but it is not a perfect solution. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. beam (int): which beam you want to perform the matching for, should be `1` or `2`. Defaults to `1`. telescopic_squeeze (bool): If set to `True`, uses the coupling knobs for Telescopic Squeeze configuration. Defaults to `True`. calls (int): max number of varying calls to perform when matching. Defaults to 100. tolerance (float): tolerance for successfull matching. Defaults to :math:`10^{-21}`. Example: .. code-block:: python correct_lhc_global_coupling(madx, sequence="lhcb1", telescopic_squeeze=True) """ suffix = "_sq" if telescopic_squeeze else "" sequence = f"lhcb{beam:d}" logger.debug(f"Attempting to correct global coupling through matching, on sequence '{sequence}'") real_knob, imag_knob = f"CMRS.b{beam:d}{suffix}", f"CMIS.b{beam:d}{suffix}" logger.debug(f"Matching using the coupling knobs '{real_knob}' and '{imag_knob}'") madx.command.match(sequence=sequence) madx.command.gweight(dqmin=1, Q1=0) madx.command.global_(dqmin=0, Q1=62.28) madx.command.vary(name=real_knob, step=1.0e-8) madx.command.vary(name=imag_knob, step=1.0e-8) madx.command.lmdif(calls=calls, tolerance=tolerance) madx.command.endmatch()
[docs]def correct_lhc_orbit( madx: Madx, /, sequence: str, orbit_tolerance: float = 1e-14, iterations: int = 3, mode: str = "micado", **kwargs, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Routine for orbit correction using ``MCB.*`` elements in the LHC. This uses the ``CORRECT`` command in ``MAD-X`` behind the scenes, refer to the `MAD-X manual <>`_ for usage information. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. sequence (str): which sequence to use the routine on. orbit_tolerance (float): the tolerance for the correction. Defaults to 1e-14. iterations (int): the number of iterations of the correction to perform. Defaults to 3. mode (str): the method to use for the correction. Defaults to ``micado`` as in the `CORRECT` command. **kwargs: Any keyword argument that can be given to the ``MAD-X`` ``CORRECT`` command, such as ``mode``, ``ncorr``, etc. Example: .. code-block:: python correct_lhc_orbit(madx, sequence="lhcb1", plane="y") """ logger.debug("Starting orbit correction") for default_kicker in ("kicker", "hkicker", "vkicker", "virtualcorrector"): logger.trace(f"Disabling default corrector class '{default_kicker}'") madx.command.usekick(sequence=sequence, status="off", class_=default_kicker) logger.debug("Selecting '^MCB.*' correctors") madx.command.usekick(sequence=sequence, status="on", pattern="^MCB.*") madx.command.usemonitor(sequence=sequence, status="on", class_="monitor") for _ in range(iterations): logger.trace("Doing orbit correction for Y then X plane") madx.command.twiss() madx.command.correct(sequence=sequence, plane="y", flag="ring", error=orbit_tolerance, mode=mode, **kwargs) madx.command.correct(sequence=sequence, plane="x", flag="ring", error=orbit_tolerance, mode=mode, **kwargs)