Source code for pyhdtoolkit.cpymadtools.utils

.. _cpymadtools-utils:

Miscellaneous Utilities

Module with utility functions to do mundane operations with `~cpymad.madx.Madx` objects.
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

import pandas as pd
import tfs

from cpymad.madx import Madx
from loguru import logger

[docs]def export_madx_table( madx: Madx, /, table_name: str, file_name: Union[Path, str], pattern: str = None, headers_table: str = "SUMM", **kwargs, ) -> None: """ .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 Exports an internal table from the ``MAD-X`` process into a `~tfs.frame.TfsDataFrame` on disk. .. important:: Tables can only be correctly read back in ``MAD-X`` (through ``READTABLE``) if the written file has a ``NAME`` and a ``TYPE`` entries in its headers. If these entries are not (see below for their usage), then they will be given default values so the **TFS** file can be read by ``MAD-X``. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. table_name (str): the name of the internal table to retrieve. file_name (str): the name of the file to export to. pattern (str): if given, will be used as a regular expression to filter the extracted table, by passing it as the *regex* parameter of `pandas.DataFrame.filter`. headers_table (str): the name of the internal table to use for headers. Defaults to ``SUMM``. **kwargs: any keyword arguments will be passed to `~tfs.writer.write_tfs`. Example: .. code-block:: python madx.command.twiss() export_madx_table(madx, table_name="TWISS", file_name="twiss.tfs") """ file_path = Path(file_name) logger.debug(f"Exporting table {table_name} into '{file_path.absolute()}'") dframe = get_table_tfs(madx, table_name, headers_table) if pattern: logger.debug(f"Setting NAME column as index and filtering extracted table with regex pattern '{pattern}'") dframe = dframe.set_index("NAME").filter(regex=pattern, axis="index").reset_index() if "NAME" not in dframe.headers: logger.debug("No 'NAME' header found, adding a default value 'EXPORT'") dframe.headers["NAME"] = "EXPORT" if "TYPE" not in dframe.headers: logger.debug("No 'TYPE' header found, adding a default value 'EXPORT'") dframe.headers["TYPE"] = "EXPORT" logger.debug("Writing to disk") tfs.write(file_path, dframe, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_table_tfs(madx: Madx, /, table_name: str, headers_table: str = "SUMM") -> tfs.TfsDataFrame: """ .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 Turns an internal table from the ``MAD-X`` process into a `~tfs.frame.TfsDataFrame`. Args: madx (cpymad.madx.Madx): an instanciated `~cpymad.madx.Madx` object. Positional only. table_name (str): the name of the internal table to retrieve. headers_table (str): the name of the internal table to use for headers. Defaults to ``SUMM``. Returns: A `~tfs.frame.TfsDataFrame` object with the *table_name* data, and the desired *headers_table* (usually ``SUMM``) as headers. Examples: .. code-block:: python twiss_tfs = get_table_tfs(madx, table_name="TWISS") """ logger.debug(f"Extracting table {table_name} into a TfsDataFrame") # Converting to dict and then DataFrame because the # method sometimes complains about element names and crashes (mostly seen) # when exporting error tables. dframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict(madx.table[table_name])) dframe = tfs.TfsDataFrame(dframe) dframe.columns = dframe.columns.str.upper() if "NAME" in dframe.columns: logger.trace("Uppercasing 'NAME' column contents") dframe.NAME = dframe.NAME.str.upper() logger.trace(f"Turning {headers_table} table into headers") dframe.headers = {var.upper(): madx.table[headers_table][var][0] for var in madx.table[headers_table]} return dframe
# ----- Helpers ----- # def _get_k_strings(start: int = 0, stop: int = 8, orientation: str = "both") -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of K-strings for various magnets and orders (``K1L``, ``K2SL`` etc strings). Initial implementation credits go to :user:`Joschua Dilly <joschd>`. Args: start (int): the starting order, defaults to 0. stop (int): the order to go up to, defaults to 8. orientation (str): magnet orientation, can be `straight`, `skew` or `both`. Defaults to `both`. Returns: The `list` of names as strings. """ if orientation not in ("straight", "skew", "both"): logger.error(f"Orientation '{orientation}' is not accepted, should be one of 'straight', 'skew', 'both'.") raise ValueError("Invalid 'orientation' parameter") if orientation == "straight": orientation = ("",) elif orientation == "skew": orientation = ("S",) else: # both orientation = ("", "S") return [f"K{i:d}{s:s}L" for i in range(start, stop) for s in orientation]