Source code for pyhdtoolkit.models.madx

.. _models-madx:

MAD-X Models

Module with ``pydantic`` models to validate and store
data obtained by interacting with the ``MAD-X`` process
through `cpymad`.

from enum import Enum

from pydantic import BaseModel, PositiveFloat, PositiveInt

[docs] class ParticleEnum(str, Enum): """ .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 Validator Enum defining the accepted particle names in ``MAD-X`` beams. """ positron = "positron" electron = "electron" proton = "proton" antiproton = "antiproton" posmuon = "posmuon" # positive muons negmuon = "negmuon" # negative muons ions = "ions"
[docs] class MADXBeam(BaseModel): """ .. versionadded:: 0.12.0 Class to encompass and validate ``BEAM`` attributes from the ``MAD-X`` process. """ particle: ParticleEnum # The name of particles in the beam mass: PositiveFloat # The rest mass of the particles in the beam in [GeV] charge: float # The electrical charge of the particles in the beam in units of qp, the proton charge energy: PositiveFloat # Total energy per particle in [GeV] pc: float # Particle momentum times the speed of light, in [GeV] gamma: float # Relativistic factor in [1] beta: float # Relativistic beta in [1] brho: float # Magnetic rigidity of the particles in [T.m] ex: float # Horizontal emittance in [m] ey: float # Vertical emittance in [m] et: float # Longitudinal emittance in [m] exn: float # Normalized horizontal emittance in [m] (beta * gamma * ex) eyn: float # Normalized vertical emittance in [m] *beta * gamma * ey) sigt: float # The bunch length c σt in [m] # noqa: RUF003 sige: float # The relative energy spread σE /E in [1]. # noqa: RUF003 kbunch: PositiveInt # The number of particle bunches in the machine in [1] npart: PositiveInt # The number of particles per bunch in [1] bcurrent: float # The bunch current, in [A] bunched: bool # A logical flag. If set, the beam is treated as bunched whenever this makes sense radiate: bool # A logical flag. If set, synchrotron radiation is considered in all dipole magnets bv: int # integer specifying the direction of the particle movement in the beam line; either +1 or -1