Source code for

.. _plotting-sbs-coupling:

Segment-by-Segment Coupling

Functions to plot coupling components of Segment-by-Segment results.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tfs

from loguru import logger
from matplotlib.legend import _get_legend_handles_labels

from pyhdtoolkit.plotting.utils import _determine_default_sbs_coupling_ylabel, find_ip_s_from_segment_start

    from matplotlib.axes import Axes
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure

[docs] def plot_rdt_component( b1_segment_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, b2_segment_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, b1_model: tfs.TfsDataFrame = None, b2_model: tfs.TfsDataFrame = None, ip: int | None = None, rdt: str = "F1001", component: str = "ABS", **kwargs, ) -> Figure: r""" .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 Plots for Beam 1 and Beam 2 vertically a component of the given coupling *rdt* over the segment. Optionally highlights the IP location. One can find an example use of this function in the :ref:`segment-by-segment plotting <demo-sbs-plotting>` example gallery. Parameters ---------- b1_segment_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the segment-by-segment coupling result for Beam 1 in the given segment. b2_segment_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the segment-by-segment coupling result for Beam 2 in the given segment. b1_model : tfs.TfsDataFrame, optional A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the Beam 1 model used in the analysis. If given then the IP location in the segment will be highlighted by a vertical grey line. b2_model : tfs.TfsDataFrame, optional A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the Beam 2 model used in the analysis. If given then the IP location in the segment will be highlighted by a vertical grey line. ip : int, optional The IP number of the segment. Used for the label of the vertical grey line. Requires to have provided the model dataframe. rdt : str The name of the coupling resonance driving term to plot, either ``F1001`` or ``F1010``. Case insensitive. component : str Which component of the RDT is considered, either ``ABS``, ``RE`` or ``IM``, for absolute value or real / imaginary part, respectively. Case insensitive. **kwargs Keyword arguments will be transmitted to the figure creation call to `~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. If ``b1_ylabel`` or ``b2_ylabel`` are found, they will be used as y-label for the respective beams axes. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` on which the plot is created. Example ------- .. code-block:: python fig = plot_rdt_component("B1/sbscouple_IP1.out"),"B2/sbscouple_IP1.out"), b1_model=b1_model_tfs, b2_model=b2_model_tfs, ip=1, figsize=(8, 8), b1_ylabel=r"$\mathrm{Beam\ 1}$ $|f_{1001}|$", b2_ylabel=r"$\mathrm{Beam\ 2}$ $|f_{1001}|$", ) """ logger.debug(f"Plotting the {component.upper()} component of {rdt.upper()} for both beams over the segment.") b1_ylabel = kwargs.pop("b1_ylabel", None) b2_ylabel = kwargs.pop("b2_ylabel", None) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, **kwargs) _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=ax1, segment_df=b1_segment_df, model_df=b1_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component=component, ylabel=b1_ylabel, ) _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=ax2, segment_df=b2_segment_df, model_df=b2_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component=component, ylabel=b2_ylabel, ) ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.02, 1, 0.2), loc="lower left", ncol=4) ax2.set_xlabel(r"$S\ [m]$") plt.tight_layout() return fig
[docs] def plot_full_ip_rdt( b1_segment_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, b2_segment_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, b1_model: tfs.TfsDataFrame = None, b2_model: tfs.TfsDataFrame = None, ip: int | None = None, rdt: str = "F1001", abs_ylimits: tuple[float, float] | None = None, real_ylimits: tuple[float, float] | None = None, imag_ylimits: tuple[float, float] | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> Figure: """ .. versionadded:: 0.19.0 Plots all component of the given coupling *rdt* over the segment, for both Beam 1 and Beam 2. Optionally highlights the IP location. One can find an example use of this function in the :ref:`segment-by-segment plotting <demo-sbs-plotting>` example gallery. Parameters ---------- b1_segment_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the segment-by-segment coupling result for Beam 1 in the given segment. b2_segment_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the segment-by-segment coupling result for Beam 2 in the given segment. b1_model : tfs.TfsDataFrame, optional A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the Beam 1 model used in the analysis. If given then the IP location in the segment will be highlighted by a vertical grey line. b2_model : tfs.TfsDataFrame, optional A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the Beam 2 model used in the analysis. If given then the IP location in the segment will be highlighted by a vertical grey line. ip : int, optional The IP number of the segment. Used for the label of the vertical grey line. Requires to have provided the model dataframe. rdt : str The name of the coupling resonance driving term to plot, either ``F1001`` or ``F1010``. Case insensitive. **kwargs Keyword arguments will be transmitted to the figure creation call to `~matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. If ``b1_ylabel`` or ``b2_ylabel`` are found, they will be used as y-label for the respective beams axes. If ``bbox_to_anchor`` is found, it will be used to position the legend across the whole figure space. Returns ------- matplotlib.figure.Figure The `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` on which the plot is created. Example ------- .. code-block:: python fig = plot_full_ip_rdt( couple_b1_tfs, couple_b2_tfs, b1_model_tfs, b2_model_tfs, ip=1, figsize=(18, 9), abs_ylimits=(5e-3, 6.5e-2), real_ylimits=(-1e-1, 1e-1), imag_ylimits=(-1e-1, 1e-1), ) """ legend_bbox_to_anchor = kwargs.pop("bbox_to_anchor", (0.52, 0.93)) fig, ((abs_b1, abs_b2), (real_b1, real_b2), (imag_b1, imag_b2)) = plt.subplots( 3, 2, sharex=True, sharey="row", **kwargs ) # Top row, rdt abs _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=abs_b1, segment_df=b1_segment_df, model_df=b1_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="ABS" ) _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=abs_b2, segment_df=b2_segment_df, model_df=b2_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="ABS", ylabel="" ) if abs_ylimits: logger.debug(f"Adjusting ylimits of absolute values subplots to {abs_ylimits}") abs_b1.set_ylim(abs_ylimits) # only apply to one as they share ylimits # Middle row, rdt real _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=real_b1, segment_df=b1_segment_df, model_df=b1_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="RE" ) _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=real_b2, segment_df=b2_segment_df, model_df=b2_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="RE", ylabel="" ) if real_ylimits: logger.debug(f"Adjusting ylimits of real values subplots to {real_ylimits}") real_b1.set_ylim(real_ylimits) # only apply to one as they share ylimits # Bottom row, rdt imag _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=imag_b1, segment_df=b1_segment_df, model_df=b1_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="IM" ) _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax=imag_b2, segment_df=b2_segment_df, model_df=b2_model, ip=ip, rdt=rdt, component="IM", ylabel="" ) if imag_ylimits: logger.debug(f"Adjusting ylimits of imaginary values subplots to {imag_ylimits}") imag_b1.set_ylim(imag_ylimits) # only apply to one as they share ylimits # Legend, this is a bit of a hacky way to get it between `Beam 1` and `Beam 2` titles fig.legend(*_get_legend_handles_labels([abs_b1]), ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=legend_bbox_to_anchor, loc="lower center") # X axis labels imag_b1.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{S\ [m]}$") imag_b2.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{S\ [m]}$") # Suptitles abs_b1.set_title(r"$\mathrm{Beam\ 1}$", y=1.01) abs_b2.set_title(r"$\mathrm{Beam\ 2}$", y=1.01) plt.tight_layout() return fig
# ----- Workhorse ----- # def _plot_sbs_coupling_rdt_component( ax: Axes, segment_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame, model_df: tfs.TfsDataFrame = None, ip: int | None = None, rdt: str = "F1001", component: str = "ABS", ylabel: str | None = None, ) -> None: """ Plots a component of the given coupling RDT over the segment, optionally highlighting the IP location. Parameters ---------- ax : Axes The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` to plot on. Will get the current axis if no `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` is given. segment_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the segment-by-segment coupling result for the given segment. model_df : tfs.TfsDataFrame, optional A `~tfs.TfsDataFrame` of the model used in the analysis. If given, then the IP location in the segment will be determined from the two dataframes and will be highlighted in the plot by a vertical grey line. ip : int, optional The IP number of the segment. Used for the label of the vertical grey line. Requires to have provided the model dataframe. rdt : str The name of the coupling resonance driving term to plot, either ``F1001`` or ``F1010``. Case insensitive. component : str Which component of the RDT is considered, either ``ABS``, ``RE`` or ``IM``, for absolute value or real / imaginary part, respectively. Case insensitive. ylabel : str, optional A specific string to use as y-label on the axis. If not given, a default label will be determined from the provided rdt and component. """ logger.debug(f"Plotting the {component.upper()} component of coupling {rdt.upper()} over the segment.") ax = plt.gca() if ax is None else ax ylabel = _determine_default_sbs_coupling_ylabel(rdt, component) if ylabel is None else ylabel ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.errorbar( segment_df.S, segment_df[f"{rdt.upper()}{component.upper()}MEAS"], yerr=segment_df[f"ERR{rdt.upper()}{component.upper()}MEAS"], fmt="o-", markersize=3, capsize=2, color="C0", label="Measurement", ) ax.errorbar( segment_df.S, segment_df[f"{rdt.upper()}{component.upper()}COR"], yerr=segment_df[f"ERR{rdt.upper()}{component.upper()}COR"], fmt="o-", markersize=3, capsize=2, color="C1", label="Correction", ) if model_df is not None and isinstance(model_df, tfs.TfsDataFrame): # If model dataframe is given, find S location of IP and highlight it logger.debug("Plotting the IP location in the segment.") ips = find_ip_s_from_segment_start(segment_df=segment_df, model_df=model_df, ip=ip) ax.axvline(ips, ls="--", color="grey")