Source code for pyhdtoolkit.utils.htc_monitor

.. _utils-htc-monitor:

HTCondor Monitoring

A module with utility to query the HTCondor queue, process the returned data 
and display it nicely.

.. note::
    This module is meant to be called as a script, but some of the individual 
    functionality is made public API and one shoule be able to build a different 
    monitor from the functions in here.
import re
import time

from typing import List, Tuple

import pendulum

from loguru import logger
from rich import box
from rich.console import Group
from import Live
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.table import Table

from import BaseSummary, ClusterSummary, HTCTaskSummary
from pyhdtoolkit.utils.cmdline import CommandLine
from pyhdtoolkit.utils.logging import config_logger


# ----- Data ----- #

    "OWNER": dict(justify="left", header_style="bold", style="bold", no_wrap=True),
    "BATCH_NAME": dict(justify="center", header_style="magenta", style="magenta", no_wrap=True),
    "SUBMITTED": dict(justify="center", header_style="medium_turquoise", style="medium_turquoise", no_wrap=True),
    "DONE": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold green3", style="bold green3", no_wrap=True),
    "RUNNING": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold cornflower_blue", style="bold cornflower_blue", no_wrap=True),
    "IDLE": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold dark_orange3", style="bold dark_orange3", no_wrap=True),
    "TOTAL": dict(justify="right", style="bold", no_wrap=True),
    "JOB_IDS": dict(justify="right", no_wrap=True),

    "SOURCE": dict(justify="left", header_style="bold", style="bold", no_wrap=True),
    "JOBS": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold", style="bold", no_wrap=True),
    "COMPLETED": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold green3", style="bold green3", no_wrap=True),
    "RUNNING": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold cornflower_blue", style="bold cornflower_blue", no_wrap=True),
    "IDLE": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold dark_orange3", style="bold dark_orange3", no_wrap=True),
    "HELD": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold gold1", style="bold gold1", no_wrap=True),
    "SUSPENDED": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold slate_blue1", style="bold slate_blue1", no_wrap=True),
    "REMOVED": dict(justify="right", header_style="bold red3", style="bold red3", no_wrap=True),

# ----- HTCondor Querying / Processing ----- #

[docs]def query_condor_q() -> str: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Returns a decoded string with the result of the ``condor_q`` command, to get the status of the caller' jobs. """ return_code, raw_result ="condor_q") condor_status = raw_result.decode().strip() if return_code == 0: return condor_status else: raise ChildProcessError("Checking htcondor status failed")
[docs]def read_condor_q(report: str) -> Tuple[List[HTCTaskSummary], ClusterSummary]: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Splits information from different parts of the ``condor_q`` command's output into one clean, validated data structure. Args: report (str): the utf-8 decoded string returned by the ``condor_q`` command. Returns: A `tuple`. The first element is a `list` of each task summary given by ``condor_q``, each as a validated ``` object. The second element is a validated `` object with scheduler identification and summaries of the user as well as all users' statistics on this scheduler cluster. Example: .. code-block:: python condor_q_output = get_the_string_as_you_wish(...) tasks, cluster = read_condor_q(condor_q_output) """ tasks: List[HTCTaskSummary] = [] next_line_is_task_report = False for line in report.split("\n"): if line.startswith("-- Schedd:"): # extract scheduler information scheduler_id = _process_scheduler_information_line(line) elif line.startswith("OWNER"): # headers line before we get task reports next_line_is_task_report = True elif next_line_is_task_report: # extract task report information if line != "\n" and line != "": tasks.append(_process_task_summary_line(line)) else: # an empty line denotes the end of the task report(s) next_line_is_task_report = False else: # extract cluster information, only 3 lines here querying_owner = tasks[0].owner if tasks else r"(\D+)" if "query" in line: # first line query_summary = _process_cluster_summary_line(line, "query") elif "all users" in line: # last line full_summary = _process_cluster_summary_line(line, "all users") elif line != "\n" and line != "": # user line, whoever the user is owner_summary = _process_cluster_summary_line(line, querying_owner) cluster_summary = ClusterSummary( scheduler_id=scheduler_id, query=query_summary, user=owner_summary, cluster=full_summary ) return tasks, cluster_summary
# ----- Output Formating ----- # def _make_tasks_table(tasks: List[HTCTaskSummary]) -> Table: table = _default_tasks_table() date_display_format = "dddd, D MMM YY at LT (zz)" # example: Wednesday, 21 Apr 21 9:04 PM (CEST) for task in tasks: table.add_row( task.owner, str(task.batch_name), task.submitted.format(fmt=date_display_format), str(task.done), str(, str(task.idle), str(, task.job_ids, ) return table def _make_cluster_table(owner_name: str, cluster: ClusterSummary) -> Table: table = _default_cluster_table() for i, source in enumerate(["query", "user", "cluster"]): table.add_row( "Query" if i == 0 else ("All Users" if i == 2 else owner_name), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["jobs"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["completed"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["running"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["idle"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["held"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["suspended"]), str(cluster.model_dump()[source]["removed"]), ) return table # ----- Helpers ----- # def _process_scheduler_information_line(line: str) -> str: """Extract only the 'Schedd: <cluster>' part of the scheduler information line""" result ="Schedd: (.*)", line) return def _process_task_summary_line(line: str) -> HTCTaskSummary: """ Extract the various information in a task summary line, validated and returned as an HTCTaskSummary object. """ line_elements = line.split() return HTCTaskSummary( owner=line_elements[0], batch_name=line_elements[2], # line_elements[1] is the 'ID:' part, we don't need it submitted=pendulum.from_format( f"{line_elements[3]} {line_elements[4]}", fmt="MM/D HH:mm", tz="Europe/Paris" ), # Geneva timezone is Paris timezone, done=line_elements[5], run=line_elements[6], idle=line_elements[7], total=line_elements[8], job_ids=line_elements[9], ) def _process_cluster_summary_line(line: str, query: str = None) -> BaseSummary: r""" Beware if no jobs are running we can't have taken querying_owner info from tasks summaries, so we need to match a wildcard word by giving querying_owner=(\D+). This would add a match to the regex search, and we need to look one match further for the wanted information. """ result = rf"Total for {query}: (\d+) jobs; (\d+) completed, " r"(\d+) removed, (\d+) idle, (\d+) running, (\d+) held, (\d+) suspended", line, ) first_interesting_match_index = 1 if query != r"(\D+)" else 2 return BaseSummary(, + 1), + 2), + 3), + 4), + 5), + 6), ) def _default_tasks_table() -> Table: """Create the default structure for the Tasks Table, hard coded columns and no rows added.""" table = Table(width=120, box=box.SIMPLE_HEAVY) for header, header_col_settings in TASK_COLUMNS_SETTINGS.items(): table.add_column(header, **header_col_settings) return table def _default_cluster_table() -> Table: """Create the default structure for the Cluster Table, hard coded columns and no rows added.""" table = Table(width=120, box=box.HORIZONTALS) for header, header_col_settings in CLUSTER_COLUMNS_SETTINGS.items(): table.add_column(header, **header_col_settings) return table # ----- Executable ----- # @logger.catch() def main(): def generate_renderable() -> Group: """ .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 Function called to update the live display, fetches data from htcondor, does the processing and returns a Group with both Panels. """ condor_string = query_condor_q() user_tasks, cluster_info = read_condor_q(condor_string) owner = user_tasks[0].owner if user_tasks else "User" tasks_table = _make_tasks_table(user_tasks) cluster_table = _make_cluster_table(owner, cluster_info) return Group( Panel( tasks_table, title=f"Scheduler: {cluster_info.scheduler_id}", expand=False, border_style="scope.border", ), Panel( cluster_table, title=f"{cluster_info.scheduler_id} Statistics", expand=False, border_style="scope.border", ), ) with Live(generate_renderable(), refresh_per_second=0.25) as live: live.console.log("Querying HTCondor Queue - Refreshed Every 5 Minutes\n") while True: try: live.update(generate_renderable()) time.sleep(300) except KeyboardInterrupt: live.console.log("Exiting Program") break if __name__ == "__main__": main()