Source code for pyhdtoolkit.utils.printutil

.. _utils-printutils:

Printing Utilities

A class utility class to allow me printing text in color, bold, etc.

.. warning::
   This module's functionality is superseeded by the ``rich`` package, and it will be 
   removed in a future release.

END = "\033[0m"

[docs]class Background: """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 ANSI color escape sequences for the background of a terminal output. """ black = "\033[40m" blue = "\033[44m" cyan = "\033[46m" green = "\033[42m" grey = "\033[47m" magenta = "\033[45m" red = "\033[41m" yellow = "\033[43m"
[docs]class Foreground: """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 ANSI color escape sequences for the foreground of a terminal output. """ blue = "\033[94m" cyan = "\033[96m" dark_blue = "\033[34m" dark_cyan = "\033[36m" dark_green = "\033[32m" dark_grey = "\033[90m" dark_red = "\033[31m" dark_yellow = "\033[33m" green = "\033[92m" grey = "\033[37m" magenta = "\033[35m" pink = "\033[95m" red = "\033[91m" yellow = "\033[93m" white = "\033[30m"
[docs]class Styles: """ .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 ANSI style escape sequences for a terminal output. """ all_off = "\033[0m" bold = "\033[1m" concealed = "\033[7m" disable = "\033[02m" reverse = "\033[7m" strikethrough = "\033[09m" underscore = "\033[4m"